25++ Exceptional Indoor Hanging Plants for You (to Make…

Why do I need indoor hanging plants? The greener a home the healthier it will be. Though the statement might not always true, you...
Nate Kins
9 min read

27+ Inspiring Minimalist Apartment Designs to Inspire (and You…

When we talk about minimalism in interior design, including a minimalist apartment, we should dive back to the early 20 century, when the minimalism...
Nate Kins
10 min read

17++ Most Fascinating Quonset Hut Homes to Own this…

Along with all the modern home designs, probably only the Quonset hut homes have the most obvious characteristics: their curved roofs. Due to their...
Nate Kins
8 min read

25 Fantastic Double Sided Fireplace Ideas for This Winter…

Want to update the existing fireplace? Then you need to consider a double sided fireplace. The new trend gets its footing only recently, but...
Nate Kins
9 min read

15+ Epic Bike Storage Ideas to Try (and Make…

Bike enthusiasts know better that nothing can separate them from their beloved bikes. The bikes have become one with their living styles. And from...
Nate Kins
7 min read