10 min read

Victorian bathroom

Throw back to Victorian era seems not really bad at all. All the old things that still can be found at your house can be combine in your bathroom and become instant time machine a.k.a Victorian bathroom to make people feel they’ve been pulled back to the old times, especially when Nana comes to stay with you.

Talk about nowadays style that become more modern-ish in every aspect of decorating, you maybe feel kinda awkward “how am I supposed to combine all of these things” while you really want to slay with Victorian décor. It doesn’t have to be really Victorian house, duh! You can go with your recent décor to spice up your style.

Accessories are the most important role when it comes to decorating your bathroom. Then you really need to be more flexible on décor. Victorian is about throwing back to all those memories without some modern things in our life, so old time style bathtub and shower should be enough to be basic things to start this.

Well, we got some ideas that maybe you can peek and inspiring enough to summon your inner Victorian soul.

Countryside Farm Victorian

Countryside Farm

Run away from all of your luxe lifestyle, a little down to earth is not a bad thing,fresh up your mind with some country decorations. Time to get out of city-feel and be brave to be a little bit wild.

Woods are the main thing to make anything look like clearly set up without even trying, and this is a little trick. Don’t try too hard on anything for décor, we’re going a little bit wild. The tiles, it’s actually better to go with wood.

Forget about some fancy things, we just need to be more closer to nature, just a little bit. Never ever go crazy on accessories and vanity, the more you get earthy, the better it goes.

Luxury Inner Boujee Victorian

Victorian bathroom

Boujee style in your bathroom can be a little bit tricky, cause it’s doesn’t need to be super glamorous, just a little bit “wow fancy!” touch up in your bathroom.

Cute chandelier can be very helpful on it. Wall décor needs to be more luxurious than before. You can go with plain wall, but it’s kinda hard and need more works on decorating.

Or maybe you can use wall lights on your wall to help a bit. Go with silver-ish more instead of gold-ish accessories on your vanity. And, be more luxurious with granite floor.

Modern Millennial Victorian

Modern Millennial Victorian bathroom

Bring it on! Slay this Victorian style in your modern crib. These two different style is gonna be super cool combination.

Great sense for your downtown house or apartment. Living in the millennial era can be such a tiring and boring, yet you can still bring your Victorian to your bathroom, by combining the modern things. Make a sanctuary for your after work routine.

A modern Victorian bathtub is a good idea to make it goes along with your modern shower or even basin.

Vintage Aesthetic Victorian

Vintage Aesthetic ideas

Double throw back is like a combo tickets for you if you already sick with all of those modern nick nack for your decoration. Don’t wanna get pulled with nowadays style, then it’s a good time to thrift some vintage decorations.

Time to hang some of old posters to bring back the vibes. Old themes decorations are essentials, some vases from grandma or your mom, plus a vintage heater. Try to collect some old stuff and put them together in your bathroom.

Won the game by collecting some of old times bath essential that make your vintage theme level up.

Classic Victorian Babes

Victorian bathroom

Not to mention that this is true vibes for soft yet powerful soul that can attract anyone easily. The thing is keep anything in chill mode. Try to make an elegant design for your bathroom by painting your walls with cool tone paint.

Don’t put too much accessories, simple yet special and outstanding. That’s how classic babes do it! Minimum luxury style can help much to make it look more powerful.

Flower for ladies can make it look more flexible. You can go with modern or luxury lighting. Or maybe, you can give a little bit accents to your mirror or even wall.

Calm Pure White Victorian

Pure White Victorian ideas

Too lazy to pick up some colorful decorations, or you just get bored and just wanna go with plain white theme for your bathroom. It doesn’t matter! Slay it with Victorian white theme that show up your innocence side.

White theme is not a bad idea. It can make you feel more clean and hygienic. Shout out to hygienic geeks!

You can go with total white for it, but the most important thing is to keep it clean and out of moss. It takes more time and effort to keep it clean and stay away from being gross and nasty, cause it’s white!

Sweet Sexy Victorian Casanovas

Sweet Sexy Victorian Casanovas bathroom

Have you ever think about being sexy all the time even when it’s a bath time? Wanna go back to an old times romance feeling and be Romeo or Juliette for a while?

If you already have an inner Casanova inside you (Yep! You’re ready!), then it’s gonna be easy to play with the sexy decorations. Choose sensual color for your wall painting, like soft pink, or purple

You can go with black or blue the put some red stuff for your decoration like roses. Yeah, Roses is really great symbol tho. Spray some great sensual perfume to make it perfect!

Gothic Victorian When the Moon Comes


Not everyone can keep up with this style, but once they do, they know how to make it perfect!

Mystical and dark-ish theme, and sometimes it can be luxurious at the same time, Oh! And it can be tricky sometimes, you need it to make the wall décor, the painting, the lighting, the tiles, go together with the stuff if you don’t want it to be a total horror theme instead.

Gold and cooper stuff, or maybe you can add some of your Halloween stuff that is not too Halloween (you know what I mean, duh!) like candles or anything! God bless your soul.

Royal High Class Victorian Style

Royal High Class design

Wanna feel high class sometimes? In the mood of feeling like being a part of royal family, but you’re actually not? Easy, keep calm, make your own castle and bathe like a boss.

Find and DIY your own stuff to make it look so fancy! Well, if you can afford some real high class bathroom essential, then why not?! You can go total on it!

Gold stuffs, crystal chandelier can bring on your royal sense. And make yourself feel more royal by putting a long sofa in your bathroom. Give your wall an accent with some wallpapers and your picture is a good idea to tell who’s the boss in the house!

Zero Gloomy Days Cheerful Victorian

Cheerful Victorian

Darling, your days never will be gloomy if you can trick your own mind by filling it in with some colorful things. Do it when you’re home after a hard days, then you can chill out and relax in your cheerful Victorian in your bathroom.

You can play with the colors you want. Use bright colors, instead of dark tone colors, it can give you fresh feeling and boost your mood instantly. Flower can be added as your decoration to complete your cheerful spring or summer concept.

You can go with gold, but silver is better. Bright curtains with cute patterns are also good choice, or you can hang plain white flowy curtains if you don’t wanna be too hyped.

Parisian Victorian for Semi-Luxury

Parisian décor is on another level and we know it! It’s not really luxury, but actually it is! The shabby-luxe look! Uh! That’s what makes it on another level.

No need to try hard on decoration, just make it kinda a bit soft, but still embrace the luxury side. Bright pastel color like soft pink or purple can give a little bit accents in the bathroom. Then, white or bright tone wall can make your bathroom lighter than before, and cleaner!

Exactly, flowers can help to make your room not so plain! Plus, fireplace can be built to make you feel the European style more.

Enchanting Nature Victorian Vibes

Enchanting Nature Victorian Vibes ideas

It’s all about nature. You can still use some artificial nature thing such as flowers, or leaves or branches to decorate your bathroom. And the lighting is tricky too, it’s how you still keep the bathroom in bright, tho you go with green theme.

Don’t use warm yellow lighting, cause it can gives you, eh creepy feeling. But, if you don’t mind about it, you can choose warm tone lighting then. You can go with gold, silver, or even cooper metal.

You need a big window to help to get more natural lights at day. Floral green wallpaper, or you may give an accent on your wall, so it’s not just a plain wall.

Original Victorian Look

Original Victorian bathroom

If you wanna go with pure Victorian style, then be ready to go total on this! If you’re a geek for old time stuff and have collect many things including all of bathroom essential, there you go!

We start with the old wall tiles and old window glass, cause those are the thing what they would do at that time. Old time window glass is stained glass window that they used to put at that time to give some fancy looks on their windows.

Oriental Dynasty Throw Back Victorian

You think that oriental style bathroom can’t slay this Victorian theme? Nope. Totally wrong! In fact, they can make your bathroom more sensual and antique than only Victorian style. Whether you’re woman or men, embrace your ancient beauty lifestyle.

Woody vanity and towel hanger that combined with oriental paintings as your booster can make it really perfect.

Choose red, black, or gold wall decorations. Dragon, floral, and fish are common things that you can be found on the paintings. The good thing is they’re not just paintings, they can be symbols too, and koi fish is the symbol of wealth.

Strong-Feeling of Mediterranean Victorian Bathroom

Mediterranean Victorian Bathroom

Strong-feeling can goes well with Victorian style. Two strong things combined together, and we know what Mediterranean culture looks like, Okay?

Chill, it’s an alternative for you who have a crib in Italy, Spain, Algeria, or other Mediterranean area. You don’t need to work really hard for your bathroom to go on with Victorian style.

Most of Mediterranean house style already has those precious stained glass windows and great tiles. You already got two jackpots! Most of silver or cooper goes so well with Mediterranean décor. Just have a little think on bathtub and basin.

Blooming Nights In Arabian Victorian

Arabian Victorian ideas

Welcome to1001 Nights style, it will serve you a dazzling, magical, fancy, Arabian feeling. Princess or Prince, please enjoy the looks of simple yet so glamorous Aladdin Bathroom in your crib.

Believe it or nah, you can feel a hidden romance in this style. Like, there is something sweet tingling inside. Come and take a look, of course it’s all about sweet lighting effect and the decoration.

Great lighting fixture can help the light to illuminate the room. White tone and sandy bathroom tiles, or you can go with the real sand as your floor to get the real Arabian feeling. Go easy on your wall decoration, take off your painting and go with Arabian accents on wood or tiles instead.

Vaporwave In Neon Victorian

More neon on your bathroom is actually a good idea, especially if you’re a neon lover. Pub or club feeling that is not common in every house, but It’s okay, it’s eccentric!

Pink neon lights can makes you feel cute but cool at the same time. The feeling like where you’re in a place that you’ve never been before, something like a mini déjà-vu and makes you feel safe and comfy. You just don’t wanna get out of the sanctuary.

Start with a simple white Victorian mode in your bathroom, then buy any colors of neon lights. P.s we know that white can go along with any colors of neon lights

Blink Victorian For Boss Bee

Blink Victorian For Boss Bee bathroom

Any bees outside that keep flexing on their life? If you’re the one, ladies. You wanna make sure that your gang know who’s da queen bee!

Shake your glitter and make you crib (especially your old Victorian) full of blink, and show them that your life is poppin’! It’s not just your make up that’s poppin’, you need to marinate every inch of your old crib, every inch of your old Victorian bathroom with glitter or shimmering things and get rid of Nana’s vibe that keeps ruining!

And we’re telling you that silver, glitter, gold, and crystal is the mood! Oh, Gosh.

Artsy Mosaic Victorian

Artsy Mosaic Victorian design bathroom

People who keep their artsy mind are the best people you’ll ever meet. Being so creative with what’s around them can be cool as fISH! But if you’re not, you can try become creative for once in your life.

An old bathroom can also be a great canvas to start. From the windows, you can be creative with glasses and make your own stained glass windows, or if you wanna go hard, you can be creative by making big mosaics on your wall bathroom tiles! That will be wonderful, replenishing your own bathroom by being artsy.

Make yourself proud. Don’t worry, it’s gonna be worth it!

Sunshine Rooftop Victorian

Start your day start by light up your sunshine mood. Having a bath in the morning can actually boost your mood for a day. Open up your window and let the fresh air come in, while you’re enjoying your morning bath.

You can go total with no walls and use glasses instead, so you can enjoy much sunshine. It can’t be cooler at night.

This is good investment! Enjoy the starlight and the city lights (December night is the best!).

Don’t worry you got the height. Nobody will pay attention of what you’re doing inside, but if you’re too afraid of it and being too paranoid of stalkers, fill your space with plants.

Old Town Nevada Victorian

Victorian bathroom

Ride your old town road vibe, babe! If you live in Nevada, then you can combine these two vibes easily, and you will be a cowboy (in your own fantasy)!

No, seriously. Old time Vegas is the best style. Have u ever watched The Magnificent Seven? You will get that vibe! Uh!

Dark woody cabinets are essential. Black and white tiles on your wall will give you more edgy feelings on it. Just go with simple white wall painting and warm yellowish lighting. Also go with old flowy white curtain to complete it.

Cozy Victorian Style Attique

Victorian Style Attique

Just like an escape for your busy life, an escape from the crowd to chill your mind. Sometimes, you need to be alone for a while to control your emotion and find some inspiration. And this kind of style is a mild version of Rooftop bathroom.

What a good idea if you live in countryside, or suburban area. You can see anything around you, and morning is the perfect time.

You can go with plants for your decoration to relax you mind and your eyes more. Cooper metals are the best to go with white and grey wall painting. Or if you want more cheerful feel, hang some yellow curtains to bright up your day.

Sleek Contemporary Victorian

Sleek Victorian ideas

Modern-ish style can slay better. We talked about semi-luxury before, and now we talk about semi-modern Victorian.

Contemporary style is all about “everything’s sleek”, so this Victorian style needs to be sleek and be more prestige than before.

Be a bit minimum for your décor, don’t display too many things, be minimalist is better. Gold is not really cool for this style, choose silver or cooper instead. Don’t use much woody things in it, cause it doesn’t really go with this style.

Use woody floor for a bit just to balance the look, so it’s not gonna come out really strong.

Simple Motel Style Victorian

Simple Style Victorian Design

Have you ever go stay at motel for a while and you feel cozy after having a bath then just snuggle in your blanket?

Well, maybe not all of motels that can give use such this precious feeling, but we all know that some motel can give us cozy feelings tho they’re not really big and the bathroom is not cool(enough).

You can bring this feeling to your house. You don’t need pretty big bathroom, small bathroom is better. Be simple decoration, and go with colors that you desired.

Authentic Rustic Downtown Victorian

Victorian bathroom

We know what an authentic should look like. We’re gonna peek through this gorgeous inspiration to make your downtown house bathroom looks 99% cooler.

Let it be, the original brick wall to be your accent that can gives you more NYC look. The floor? Eh, no need to do it with tiles. Go as simple as you can for basin.

Put minimum decoration, plus leather couch to spice up your authentic vibe. Cooper and silver are better than gold. Try to make it not too fancy. If you wanna do the cabinets, do it with wood.

Alright! Now all of you already know about Victorian bathroom and what it’s all about. It’s not just an old times bathroom style, you can go with many style.

Many ideas that you can choose, and I’m pretty sure that you’re now kinda go round and round to choose which one of this style that you wanna go with. Take your time, no need to rush, baby. It’s your crib.

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