You may feel afraid of dark environment; however, when we are talking about interior design, just do not be. This Dark Living Room article will show you that dark interior could give excellent dramatic and masculine vibes.
Dark tone does not always mean black though, you could use other colours like grey, navy-blue, purple, or even dark red. Interior decor is all about mix and match; therefore, you should manage its elements to create proper colour composition.
Dark tone can also fit in any style, including minimalist, modern, and even traditional one since dark is initially used as base colour. Think about your identity, putting yellow chair in the middle of dark living room would make it incredibly unique.
For the beginning, you could start creating your Dark Living Room by painting its large elements like wall, floor, and even ceiling. Later on you install the remaining things in any colour you like, including its furniture, fireplace, and cabinet.
Dark Living Room with Classic Fireplace
You should have already realized that the very first task of designing such dark living room is how to lighten it accordingly.
The classic fireplace below acts as the focal element, it is prettily framed with brown brick and wood.
The living room decor is quite simple though, the bright blue chair and red rug is placed in the middle to compromise the dark wall.
To make it even personal, you could also put some accessories of book and candle around the fireplace.
Dark Living Room with Patterned Curtain and Pillow
Make your dark living room little bit brighter always becomes the main issue for dark interior though.
One of those ideas is installing large window, and keep opening it, to significantly brighten up your dark interior, at least during the day.
The living room below is filled with dark blue elements, including the couch, chair, table, wall, table lamp, and curtain.
You should also consider putting some plants here and there, do not be afraid to combine green and dark tones.
Green Elements in Dark Living Room
We should write a book about how to brighten a dark living room since that is a special topic for every interior designer.
Putting fresh green plant should be considered as an effective way for this matter, as bright green tone complements darkness.
This living room is composed of several colours, apart from the green, you could also find the white floor.
Having green couch is nice, it is unique and feels homey; especially if you also have some green pillows along with it.
Dark Living Room with Decorative Orange Features
After looking at the dark living room below, you may realize that orange is the best paint colour for a complementary tone.
This dark living room is filled with some colourful orange tone, as you can easily find it on the chair and painting.
It is nice to put colours other than white in your dark living room, since the main point of its interior is how to lighten it up a little bit.
Two large cabinets are placed to give you enough storage.
Small Dark Living Room with Noteworthy Statues
You obviously need proper lighting for such dark living room, especially during night when your window can not provide sunlight anymore.
Therefore, you need to understand that the lighting system for dark interior is much more essential than for other styles.
Generally, the living room below has remarkably old interior style, just look at those statues around the black chair.
The living room is mostly composed of black and brown elements, as you can see its furniture, wall, and floor.
Dark Living Room with Charming Furniture
The image below should be able to tell you a lot about how to lighten up your dark interior properly.
The black wall is nicely accompanied with bright brown elements, as you can see the floor, standing lamp, and rug.
Other cool ideas to make it brighter are applied too, including putting blue painting and green plant around the couch.
It is also good to provide large windows nearby so your living room would get enough natural light from outside.
Simple Dark Living Room
The dark living room decor in the image below is quite simple though, bright grey furniture is placed in the middle of dark environment.
Apart from the grey element, this living room also has other colours, as you can see the white floor, pink flower, and green plant.
You can significantly brighten up any dark interior by putting large window around; therefore, your living room will get enough sunlight.
Frankly speaking, dark interior could be suitable for both introvert and extrovert characters.
Dark Living Room in Black and White Colours
When people are considering to have dark interior, their very first question is generally about how to brighten a dark room.
Installing an alternating pattern of black and white could be one of interesting ideas to create such proper dark living room.
The living room in the image below has remarkable pattern, including the sofa, pillow, bench, small table, and wall decor.
If you have living room with this kind of colour restriction, you need to choose the furniture carefully.
Large Living Room with Black and Gold Tones
Black is considered as the best paint colour for a dark living room, since you could possibly combine it with any colour.
The large living room in the image below is composed of black and gold tones, especially if you look at its wall and wall decor.
The faded grey elements provide such old vibe, it is quite distinguishable since the remaining components have modern accent.
If your living room is complemented with this kind of windows, no need to worry about darkness.
Grey Furniture in Dark Living Room
The dark living room decor in the image below is relatively different that other designs since it is mostly painted in bright grey tone.
During the day, especially if you let the sunlight visits the room, it does not look that dark though.
However, you still need proper lighting for the living room at night though, even a fireplace can do.
Other than grey, this dark living room also has other bright colours, as you can see the brown floor.
Large Dark Living Room with Colourful Pillows
If you were wondering about how to lighten your dark living room a bit, you should consider putting bright colours in between.
Just take this living room for example, the room is filled with some colourful elements like green couch, red pillow, white ceiling, and grey floor.
The room also has several remarkable accessories to complete the composition, such as the artsy painting, patterned pillow, and modern chandelier.
Furthermore, abundant amount of natural light exists to brighten the room composition.
Dark Living Room with Elegant Nuance
It is quite understandable to not only use dark interior for living room, but also for public spot like airport lounge and hotel lobby.
Look at the image below, for instance, the elegant vibe should give you a lot of ideas and inspirations.
After looking at the image, you should realize that it is fairly easy to brighten up the room since it has proper window nearby.
Some brown elements like the couch, hanging lamp, and coffee table are completing the composition.
Dark Living Room with Colourful Chairs
After reading this article up to this point, you should have understood about how to brighten a dark living room correctly.
This dark living room decor is quite cheerful though, as you can see the purple and blue chairs, along with the grey floor.
Such large bookshelves are put in the wall; therefore, you would not only get empty dark wall look.
A large mirror is placed above the black fireplace; it can visually produce larger and brighter living room interior.
Living Room with Dark Purple Elements
Some people believe that black is the best paint colour for a dark interior since it can be easily combined with other colours.
Besides black tone, this living room is also filled with some dark purple elements as you can see the purple chair and rug.
The room design looks incredibly vintage and old though, especially if you look at the classic fireplace frame.
The living room is not that big; thus, you could use it as complementary room for formal purpose.
Red Furniture in Dark Living Room
The dark living room below has many red elements within, as you can see the red sofa, rug, and chandelier.
However, you still need proper lighting for this room, especially at night when are no longer getting natural light from outside.
Besides red tone, this living room also has several other colours though, including black, white, blue, brown, and green.
After all, please be careful to not put too many colours in your dark room, as it may produce such cheap appearance.
Small Dark Living Room with Simple Decor
You could possibly see a slight ray of light in the dark living room below; it shows you how to lighten it nicely.
The dark living room below is mostly dominated with dark elements, as you can see the black chair, rug, wall, and fireplace.
Some vintage things, like the classic fireplace, wall lamp, and metallic candle handler, give old vibe into the room.
The dark wall is not left empty though, it is complemented with cabinet and white painting.
Dark Living Room with White Rug
Some people may not like this kind of crowded interior decor, especially if you consider yourself as an efficient and simple person.
Besides the black cabinet, this dark living room also has some other colours, as you can see the white rug and blue pillow.
The large glass window shows you exactly how to brighten up a dark interior, as the sunlight significantly freshen the living room.
The large cabinet is fully filled with some accessories, including painting, book, and lamp.
Dark Living Room with Bright Environment
If you do it properly, you could easily find handful ideas about how to brighten a dark living room from internet.
The living room below is filled with black and white elements, such as the wall, floor, furniture, and window frame.
The room has such elegant ambiance, as you can see the lighting composition from the chandelier, table lamp by the window, and candle.
You could consider putting some plants here and there, even a bright green one, to freshen the room.
Elegant Brown Elements in Dark Living Room
Besides black, this image perfectly shows you that dark purple could be the best paint colour for a dark living room with gothic vibe.
This living room also has other remarkable colours, including brown tone that is painted on the chair and decorative lamp.
The classic fireplace becomes the centre, as it is surrounded with many things like flower, painting, table lamp, and chair.
In spite of those existing lamps, you still need to provide window and such for this dark interior.
Black and White Elements in Dark Living Room
Putting black and white colours could be one of those easy ideas for designing such remarkable dark living room.
You may not need to install proper lighting for this kind of interior, since this composition should give bright appearance.
For the living room below, black is used for the base colour, as you can see the black wall, floor, and large furniture.
On the other hand, white colour is optimized to fill the spaces, such as the white flower and painting.
Purple Chair in Dark Living Room
The dark living room in the image below has such simple decor, since it only uses one remarkable purple element to attract people.
Apart from the purple chair, this dark living room also has portrait photo, brown coffee table, and mirror above the fireplace.
If you want to learn about how to lighten a dark room interior, you could use similar approach by putting large mirror to reflect sunlight.
As you can see, fireplace is so suitable for additional element in dark living room.
Gold Chandelier in Dark Living Room
Combining black and gold colours would give you either luxurious or old vibe, since gold is identical as vintage accent.
As you can see, the gold chandelier and ceiling could significantly brighten up the dark environment, especially they have massive size.
A large mirror is put on the wall, it visually produces larger room as you would not see the end of the room.
The living room is composed of grey elements, including the sofa, pillow, coffee table, rug, and table lamp.
Brown Leather Sofa in Dark Living Room
Statistically speaking, people are looking for methods of how to brighten a dark living room since apparently, they need to make it bright occasionally.
The living room below applies some interesting ideas though, including using bright brown as the main colour for the furniture.
The L-shaped couch becomes the focal element here, along with some black and white pillows on top of it.
Several plants are placed here and there, they incredibly freshen the room environment using its green tone.
Dark Living Room with Gallery Wall
Actually, there is no such thing as the best paint colour for a dark interior, even a navy-blue tone can do.
The living room in the image below has remarkable wall decor, as you can see some paintings and images on the navy-blue wall.
Apart from the wall, other elements are also painted in elegant navy-blue, including the rug, floor, and chair.
A long dining table is placed in the middle; brown tone perfectly suits the dark environment.
Dark Living Room with Simple Wall Decor
If you are dealing with this kind of room interior, it will be better if you have such proper lighting for night time.
Apart from the dark blue tone, this living room is also filled with other colours like white, brown, and red.
The living room itself is not that large, it has small couch that is accompanied with the wall decor, table lamp, and pillow.
As you can see, this room has big window that provides enough natural light during the day.
Elegant Living Room with Remarkable Dark Elements
Speaking of dark living room, many interior designers put serious concern about how to lighten the room since sometimes people need it in bright.
The dark living room below is fully filled with some faded furniture and accessories; thus, it has such incredibly old appearance.
Almost everything is painted in grey colour, including the sofa, coffee table, chandelier, rug, door, and curtain.
Some people may not like having this kind of living room interior though, since it looks mute and boring.
Dark Living Room with Brown Sofa
As you can see in the image below, combining brown and grey colours could significantly brighten up your dark living room.
grey tone is used for the base and large elements like wall, floor, and rug.
On the other hand, the furniture has brown colour, such as the couch, pillow, bench, round coffee table, and standing lamp.
Several plants also exist in the living room; in spite of their dull green look, the plants still remarkably freshen the environment.
Dark Living Room with navy-blue Couch
Somehow, it is quite risky to put navy-blue couch in a dark living room since those two colours may kill each other.
However, the living room below seems incredibly elegant and old, it has such strong identity that radiates inevitably.
When you are asking about how to brighten a dark interior, you could easily use large window that gives enough natural light.
This living room also has gold elements here and there, including the chandelier, mirror frame, and vase.
Dark Living Room with White Paintings
There could be no such thing as the best paint colour for a dark living room, since interior design is all about mix and match.
This living room decor has dominant black and white colours, including the wall, floor, rug, fireplace, and furniture.
After all, the room is not that dark though, thanks to the large windows that provides enough sunlight into the room.
Several white paintings are placed around the fireplace; therefore, you would not let the black wall empty.
Dark Living Room with Formal Design
It is relatively easy to perfectly insert formal vibe in your dark living room, since base colours like black and white initially have neutral nuance.
The living room below seems elegant, those grey couches and chairs are suitable for formal meeting or gathering.
Therefore, you need to install proper lighting for this matter, especially if the living room does not have large window.
Some red and orange books are put inside the large cabinet, their cheerful tone significantly brighten the dark environment.
After reading this article, you should understand that black is the best paint colour for a Dark Living Room since it can be combined with other colours. Furthermore, you need to provide lighting for brightening the room.
Interior designers are looking for ideas to brighten up Dark Living Room, as even dark interior lovers still need to have bright environment. You could use large window or mirror for this matter.