When the sun is down, our bodies slow down their rhythms. After all days beaten down by any of our activities, now they want to have their shares–to have a rest. And that’s why you want your bedrooms badly, that cozy dark bedrooms.
Not only bright neutral-colored bedrooms, like you often see in contemporary Nordic styles, that see increasing popularity among the contemporary folk, now you also the opposite –the dark-themed bedrooms are getting popular as well.
In a natural way, darkened bedrooms always lure us to wind down and get relax. You even feel cozier and more comfortable as the dark colors help to sooth our minds, as they remind us of night time where most of us still see the time as our natural resting time.
Now if you want to redo or update the bedrooms, you might try the darkened themes. For inspiration, we bring you here some of the most impressive of them.
1. Dark drapery Ideas for cozy dark bedrooms
As your bodies are wired to the day and night ‘time signals’, you may need to get wise in choosing the bedroom themes. But bright and airy bedrooms are not the only option now, as you have the dark themes as well.
Just like the counterparts, almost any features of bedrooms can be treated to make comfortable dark-themed bedrooms.
So, not only the walls, you can experiment to find some dark choices in the matter of their drappery, beddings, pillows, and more.
2. Decor for dark-themed bedrooms
When to sun down and the day get dark, our bodies adapt into it by releasing melatonin hormone. This hormone is the one which makes us feel sleepy.
Opposing to the bright colors which would make us active (they remind our bodies of daylight), the dark colors are in line with the darkening day. They make us further feel the need to rest.
So, be wise in choosing the bedroom colors, mainly if you belong to the types which prone to have sleep difficulties. As a note, don’t forget to put the right decor for the room, the also help to make your room looks dynamic and impresive.
3. Lighting for Dark-themed bedrooms
Along with colors, you also need to consider the bedrooms’ lightings. Not only with by the sun, are our bodies sensitive enough to the artificial lightings. So be wise in choosing bedroom lamps.
Regular contemporary bedrooms often have three lighting modes: main lighting, bedside lamps, and ambient lights.
Be sure to find the right types for each of the lighting modes. As a flaw in these steps only make your body rhythms in ruin. Be sure to pay attention to the wattage or their light power, so that you have the much needed rest.
4. A dark unique bedroom design
Just how long we need to sleep? You won’t have the right answer for the question. But, in average, you need 7-9. It depends on your age and activities.
The younger the age, the longer sleeping time is needed. Older people need the least sleeping time of all, around 7 hours.
If you feel having sleep difficulties, having dark bedroom designs might help a lot. They helps to resynchronize your body to their natural daily rhythms.
5. So what colors you should choose for the dark-styled bedroom?
You might want to update your master bedroom into a dark-themed one. But you might also get no clues as to how to start it or even how to find the right dark colors for it.
For a start, you probably need to choose contemporary charcoal grays for the wall. If you’re not particular in black, deep teals or midnight blues also are also worth to try.
If you feel that the colors are too heavy, try to find their suitable color combinations, just like this following example: dark-themed bedroom with balanced color schemes.
6. Dark curtains to ensure a good sleep
The one which responsible in regulating our waking and sleeping time is hypothalamus. When the morning comes, the sun rays prompt it to release hormone cortisol –the wake up hormone. At the same time, it also limit the release of sleeping hormone –the melatonin.
When night comes, the process is reverted. It secretes melatonin again and this time shut off the production of cortisol, resulting sleepiness.
Dark curtains help to increase the effect, in case you want a deep slumber. Combine your dark wall with suitable dark curtains and you’ll have a refreshed body in the morning.
7. Furniture for dark-themed bedroom
So, what furniture colors would you choose to set in a dark bedroom? That depends on your personal tastes.
But, in general, if you want the formal color, try the lighter colors than the walls’ colors –but not white.
Contemporary dark-styled bedrooms are often seen in black (like charcoal black, shiny black, or just plain black). As the color won’t bounce off light, it also is efficient to make the bedroom soother and more restful.
8. Glow in the dark furniture for an unique bedroom
Bright colors are often represented by light to white neutral colors. In short, all colors that reflect light can be considered as bright colors. They give off warmth and tend to make you active.
Darker colors won’t give off enough warmth to the surroundings, and they make calming effects into the bedrooms.
If you want to have unique features in the rooms, try to use glow in the dark materials. They look impressive and you even won’t need any ambient lights with the glow in the dark stuff.
9. Charcoal black background for a bed room
Colors affect our bodies. For the reasons, we might react differently to each different colors around us. Green always inspires us to the nature, for example. The other, blue, reminds us to some solid peaceful place. And so on.
Our body seems not to really care whether the colors come from the nature or man-made paints. They always react the same.
That way, our bodies always remind us to night time when we see, for example, charcoal black paint on the wall in this example.
10. Aesthetic bedroom with dark-bright color schemes
Dark walls helps to make your bedrooms look spacious too. When done right, the color schemes help you to rest in smooth and peaceful place.
But, finding color combination in for a dark bedroom may present challenge. This example presents you one of the solutions.
Combine dark walls with the lighter color of the bedding. By contrasting the colors, your room looks more dynamic and charming.
11. Dark room with dark colors ideas
On the previous list you’ve met contrasting color schemes to make a dark-styled bedroom looks impressive. If offers you a blend between dark and much more bright soft golden color.
Now if you want to have something darker for the dark walls, you also can use shades of available vibrant colors.
In this example, we present you black walls with deep blue color on some of the bedroom features. The color helps you to have a refreshing and, yet still, a resting room.
12. Less decor, less clutter with dark colors
With bold dark colors, you don’t need any features to make your bedroom look gorgoeus. The colors themselves are the key.
In other words, you don’t need to clutter the bedroom with unnecessary decor or any other additional features. The colors themselves are enough to make room’ statements.
The result is a neat and clutter-free room which, of course, helps you to sleep better.
13. So, what colors are perfect for dark bedrooms?
Dark doesn’t mean black. Yes, it inspires the darkness of the night –which, of course, black.
You might want to set the bedroom wall with charcoal or vulture blacks. But, surely, you don’t want to have all other bedrooms’ in the similar black as well, right?
So there’re several colors to try for the additional colors, like chocolate brown, lavender, warm orange, gray, ochre, golden color, and crimson.
14. Curtains to darken a room: an alternative to dark room
When it comes about colors and how they affect our bodies, there practically are two fronts: the supporters and the deniers.
The supporter belief that that color do really affect our bodies, hence we could use them to ‘manipulate’ our minds into certain conditions.
The others like to think that the absence of light is the main reason why our bodies change our moods. Then comes the alternatives of dark-styled bedroom: you need right curtains to darken the room –just like these curtains in this darkened bedroom design.
15. Nordic Style to get rid of cave-like atmosphere of dark-styled bedroom
If you feel your dark-themed bedroom feels to dark and even makes you feel in a cave, then it’s time to brighten it up a bit.
There’re several scenarios you could do. You may change the walls’ color into the lighter one. For example, from charcoal black into lavender –which is also still darker than various other colors.
You might also change the theme into the warmer darkened room into a Nordic style. You’ll have natural touches in the room, like the use of wood. See this example for detail.
16. Another curtains to darken bedroom
Need another curtain idea? Here we offer you again, a curtain setup to further darken your bedroom (if it’s already dark) or to shield the outer light from entering the room (if you have a not-to-dark bedroom).
Some argue that bedrooms are not only for sleeping. You might want the room to enjoy yourselves other than sleeping –like reading, gaming, or even chatting with friends.
For the reason, curtains are enough to darken the room. In this example, you find chic curtains mix well with a bit darkened bedroom, resulting a stunning room theme.
17. Vibrant Colors for darkened bedroom’s accents
Dark colors are good for slumber, for your resting time. But how the help to get you wake up in the morning?
Some say that dark colors won’t help you much in getting up. They’re just not designed for your morning time –some said.
For the reason, you need to balance the dark colors with the lighter one. This way, you have the balance between ‘resting’ colors and ‘waking up’ colors. You might try to splash the darker rooms’ background with lighter, even vibrant, colors on (for example) the bed, cabinet, or other furniture.
18. Glow in the dark accent for dark-styled bedroom
Need to update the existing dark-themed bedroom? You’ll probably need to consider putting some glow in the dark features in it.
It could be a dab of paint on one sides of the wall, on the furniture, or on other of your favorite spots in the room.
Form its unique properties, the paint on the spot light up in the dark and inject additional unique ambient lighting into the room. Nice.
19. Don’t forget the natural light
Modern folk often has no control of their own bodies’ needs of natural light. Most of us modern species spend more and more time indoor as we prefer more of sedentary living mode than the outdoor activities just like our ancestors did long time ago.
And that’s not only for the day time, you also get that in night time, where all your biorhythms seem to get jumbled by the flood artificial light.
This time, it seems only your bedrooms are the only place where you can have your bodies relax and enjoy the true dark and light of natural sources. For the reasons, you need to choose the bedroom’s color wisely. As dark your bedroom can be, you also need to consider the natural light to flood in.
20. Ambient light ideas for your dark bedroom
If you feel the room too dark, you also can install ambient lighting systems. This light installation helps to define the overall room’s characters.
Ambient lights compliment the main lighting systems by giving indirect light to our eyes. You may call the lighting systems as hidden light systems, from their positions which are always hidden behind room features.
In this example, the ambient light are concealed behind the cabinets and ceiling lines. They’re affective to give the vibrant and refreshing look to the bedroom.
21. Unique decor for darkened bedroom
Modern living leaves almost no dark spots in our life. Nights or days, you seems to get trapped in light, whether it’s of natural or artificial light.
And the problems are also further worsened by the tendency to bring the gadget all the time (whether pads, phones, or even laptops). Those are bad news for our bodies, at least in the long term.
Your body might have trouble in regulate the melatonin hormone (the one which’s terribly needed to make you sleep soundly). So, for the bedroom, choose the right color theme and decor is a must.
22. A dark room free of gadgets –recipe for a good sleep
Still have the trouble to sleep? Then you need to get rid of the habit of checking (or browsing the net) with your phones before sleep.
It’s the blue lights emitting from the gadget which would disrupt your biological clock –making it harder for you to sleep. The color light spectrums (not only from gadgets, but from other sources like your lamps and TVs) prone to hold the release of melatonin hormone.
For the reasons, if you want to sleep soundly, get rid of the gadgets of your dark-themed rooms.
23. For even more dark room, seal the doors.
The key of a good sleep is the absence of light. Along with dark theme, you also need to consider of sealing any light ‘leakages’ from outside.
Keep the outer light at bay with curtains –for the windows, of course. As for the doors, you also need to take precautionary actions.
If you should, paint the door in the same color of the walls’ colors. If that’s not enough, try to seal it so the outer light won’t come in –resulting a healthy sleeping.
24. Window treatment for dark-themed bedroom
So, why do we need to have window treatments in this dark-styled bedroom lists? They have nothing to do with all the ideas outlined here, right?
Well, if you want to wake in good and positive mood, then you need to consider to install suitable window treatments for the bedroom.
Not only the walls, which should dark enough to get you sleep well, but you also need charming window treatments to wake you up refreshed in the morning.
25. Window curtains for dark bedroom
To wake up refreshed, your bodies need to get touched by natural light, the morning sun rays. That’s why you need the window treatments.
In addition to boost your hormone cortisol (the ‘wake up’ hormone), your bodies also get the needed vitamin D, which should make your body further refreshed.
For a darkened bedroom, curtains are better choices to draw in sun light quickly. Need curtain ideas? Here’s one for you.
26. Multiple light types for bedroom in dark theme
So, it’s already dark in a dark-themed bedroom. Then, how many light sources do we need to light up the room?
In general, one main light on the ceiling is not enough to illuminate a darkened room. You need several other to give it enough illumination. So, with the main light, you also need to consider installing one (or two) bedside lamps.
For alternatives, wall lamps also are good ideas. If you have reading chair in the room, adding a floor reading lamp is a good idea as well. Want your room looks more impressive? Don’t forget to install ambient lights system.
27. Furniture for dark-themed bedroom
How about the furniture for a dark-styled bedroom? You have several option here. You use the furniture as functional accents.
But be sure to not overwhelm the room with them, as a darkened room is easy to make you lost visual contact with them –making you prone to trip over.
Use furniture sparsely, as efficient and effective as you can. For a start, you probably need to consider putting a transparent furniture like this unique one in your bedroom.
28. Refreshing greenery in your dark-themed bedroom
Don’t forget to bring in greenery into your dark bedroom. If you don’t want the bedroom looks dark and barren, put one or two indoor plants.
There’re several indoor plants you could choose. Some of them even will still thrive in darkened conditions, like photos, maiden hair, snake plants, or philodendron.
This idea is only one of gorgeous examples out there. But, for a start, this aesthetic setup should be more than enough.
Read More: 27+ Marble Bathroom Designs to Impress your Friends
So, that’s all our list of dark bedroom ideas. You might already know some of them, but here we also bring you some elegant designs you should never miss.
We also covered the bedrooms’ furniture, colors, even the curtains types. We hope you enjoy this listicles. Have a good day.