15 Popular Bedroom Flooring Ideas (Good for Your Home)

8 min read

bedroom flooring

The design of this House is very important nowadays, the beauty displayed is able to make people feel comfortable for its residents or guest who are in their home. The floor is part of the building that is often forgotten.

Why does this happen? Because most of those who built the house forget the beauty that can be found on the floor, which was made at the last moment when building a house. Without using the layout design lately, there are many people who use their ceramic floors.

This is because the design of the existing House floor, will occupy a position or an important part. There are several compositions that make the floor design attractive look, can be seen from the color, material motifs, and also the texture.

Indeed, it will be easily difficult in terms of doing the selection of your bedroom flooring ideas, it takes a few days to be able to determine your bedroom floor design. Integrate the idea of bedroom floor with wall paint and also the concept of suitable room also quite important.

There are some interesting home floor ideas that you can apply in your home

Nowadays, the floor design idea of the house has a lot of sorts. Below are some of you or your bedroom flooring ideas that can inspire

Use of ceramic floor design

bedroom flooring

The design of this House is a unique home floor made of ceramics, and also one of the widely used or common types.

This is because there are many color options, easy to make and also a choice of motives quite a lot.
Since it does not absorb much water, then this type of floor is considered very suitable and best if used as material for your bathroom.

What it is and slippery then on the bathroom design you have to choose materials that have a rough texture.

Wooden Floor Design

bedroom flooring ideas

If you have a classic style concept then you should be able to apply it with hardwood flooring. Different effects on the interior will appear on the use of this hardwood floor.

Cool impression can be felt when the design of your bedroom floor has a classical touch and use natural brown color combinations such as the color contained in the trunk of the tree.

Especially in Japan which would be very suitable for the use of this wooden floor.

This Bedroom Flooring Ideas has a price that varies depending on the type of wood and the use of wood.

There are several types of flooring in this style

  • Solid Hardwood

bedroom flooring

Having a thickness of between 18 to 12 mm, certainly makes this floor board look so dense. Floor boards generally have grooves or patterns to customize when they are installed.

Surely it would be perfect if there really is this one attached to the family room. Of course the design of this floor is very suitable for your bedroom floor.

  • Laminate wooden Floor

flooring ideas

A granular pattern is one if you know the type of wood flooring that comes from photographic designs, wood tiles that are found on boards or stones.

To prevent damage a protective coating can be added but of course after the image is applied to the board surface.
when you use this design then you must pay attention so that the results you expect are maximum.
Bamboo Floor

This bedroom flooring ideas is very popular in the Asian region, moreover, there is a very high durability at a certain humidity level in this design.

So that makes a floor made of bamboo can be installed in every corner of the room including in this case also the bathroom.

Repeat for each item in your room as well so that appropriate design.

  • Engineered Hardwood

There are how many floors this one consists of 3 to 4 layers of wood that then each other glued to make the board, up to 14 mm thickness.

You no longer need to worry about the risk of damage due to this technique then the floor will be more resistant. So that it will no longer be vulnerable to any cause of damage.

Cork Flooring

bedroom flooring design

These bedroom floor idea are also suitable for your reference.

The advantage of cork flooring as one of your bedroom floor design ideas is that this floor is a type of floor that is more adaptable to the existing decorating style.

Another advantage if you apply the bedroom flooring ideas with a wooden floor design is that you can do the addition of natural touches to your dwelling.

Look for designs with the best material quality you can buy in some decorating sites.

The advantages of this floor type of cork are as follows

  • Using the famous wood materials can be processed without the use of chemical compounds that will be flammable, this material is a material that will be resistant to corrosion and fire.
  • The surface is also numbered have such a gentle factor because of the many air cells it has. So that for you will feel more comfortable to be continuously rests on this harsh surface as long as you walk
  • The other advantages are the cork floor has hypoallergenic properties, why is it because the content of the suberin substance contained therein.
  • Very suitable for placing this type of floor on an accident prone area for example is the bathroom
  • It is certain that this one has a gentle comfort when compared to other designs

The shortcomings of the cork floor are

  • Absorption and also storage of water goes well if you do incorrect installation
  • On the floor finishing that is used durability is a thing that depends on several reasons
  • It is also a floor that this one has an expensive price compared to the other floor types

Bedroom flooring ideas using marble floor

bedroom flooring

Having the basic ingredients of marble that are quite suitable to be selected. You will have a concept of a house and rooms that are quite luxurious.

Compared with the type of ceramic floor ordinary is certainly marble floor and also has a price is quite expensive.

In addition to showing luxury Show it there are also several advantages of marble floors. The unique thing is the floor which until now has a cooler feeling when you step on it.

The use of this material is also fairly able to absorb the cold temperatures in the air.

The use of designs with textured floors

bedroom flooring ideas

The use of ceramic materials has been explained above, for the decoration of the bedroom floor, not only can you use plain ceramic floors.

There are so many variations on the ceramic floor which makes the texture will be even more interesting.

Maybe at this time a lot of people think that the texture is usually only used for your toilet or bathroom.

This modern has sprung up a wide variety of ceramic floor textures that could be an option for your bedroom.

now, there are many tile floor makers with styles or textures that are different from the others.

Bedroom flooring ideas with a plain floor

You could say this is one of the floors that you can use as your bedroom flooring ideas. ceramic material that is used with no motive or plain is one of your choices.

The advantages of this one floor look can be integrated with all the bedroom concepts.

Using this plain white floor also shows if the appearance of your room is clean but will also look easy to get dirty.

So you will indeed be more likely to mop and also sweep so that the floor does not have dirt or stains attached.

Vinyl says it’s also one of the motifs from the floor that you can use


The next bedroom floor design idea is the use of vinyl flooring which is fairly easy to clean.
this is very suitable indeed for your childrens bedroom, so that cleanliness from every angle can be cleaned easily if it is exposed to dirt.

When it was first implemented in the device, what was smelled for the first time was a chemical odor that would disappear with time.

This motorbike can also be an option for those of you who really want to have a floor with a wood motif bedroom but want an affordable price.

The advantages you can meet if you use this bedroom floor idea is as follows

  • Have a relatively cheap price
  • Very suitable and easy to install and used in doing the separation of the floor that exist in various rooms such as family room bathroom and kitchen and playroom also you can embed the design idea of this one.
  • It is also considered if this one design is easy for you to clean, because there is only enough detail and the occasional wiped while for the treatment you simply give the Plitur only.
  • It is numbered if in one of these is very flexible and not easily damaged and also waterproof

As for lack if you use or can be said this is as follows

  • or damaged so it’s huge to be re-discovered so you have to replace the whole design
  • The chemical elements found in the manufacturing process are too much so that the materials will later affect the air quality over a long period of time in your home.

Use of bedroom floor with carpet coating

bedroom flooring

The next bedroom design idea is a bedroom floor that is implemented with carpet that will not only beautify the interior decoration of your bedroom but also can make your floor feel warmer.

This layer of carpet is very suitable for use on ceramic floors so it will be able to reduce the cold effect that exists, how it is quite surprising you when waking up in the morning.

Clean regularly because it is the nature of carpet that easily accumulate dust.

This bedroom flooring ideas has two types and also carpet floor type that could be your choice

  • The first is synthesis, where this type of floor uses materials made of nylon, polyester or polypropylene.
  • The second is to do where it is made of wool yarn that is knitted in such a way

The type or type of both will indeed give a very comfortable impression and also so elegant for the room of your house.

There are some disadvantages of one advantage that belongs to this type of floor this one is as follows

  • The room that says so comfortable shows has a function as a cold air reducer that is in the rainy season
  • Good noise or sound dampening materials can function on the same type of floor
  • The quality of air in this room that certainly silence dust and also existing animals
  • This floor is quite an easy floor to be stained so it is difficult to clean
  • Although classified as cool but the use of the cost of Yes also not cheap because it requires some assistance workers who are experienced in terms of floor cleaning or carpet.

Use of parquet floor design

bedroom flooring ideas

A comparison of wooden floor design, the following floor design is a design that has a charming version.

In this type of design use motifs and colors are quite varied. Although it is kind of floor that this one has a factory touch but still like the original.

The durability of this parquet floor to Air and fire is also one of the advantages of this bedroom flooring ideas. So true if you are obliged to try this one design in your bedroom so it will look fancy.

Use of laminate flooring design

bedroom flooring

This design idea of bedroom floor is with the design that is on the wood floor to the surface that will be produced is fairly smooth so it will look like a wood color gradation.

You also need to know if indeed because of the Cause of Sting is the floor is too wet. so it is appropriate for you to try this floor.

Minimalist design Scandinavian

This bedroom design idea will surely steal your attention as a resident. so you will not feel excessive boredom when using this type of floor design.

There is a mixture of bricks that have white ash, soft wood and also decoration figures need black and white will certainly give the impression of countries that is perfect.

Scandinavian style is applied by many people nowadays.

The use of stylish exposure design

 design bedroom

This is also a DIY for your bedroom to be even more interesting. A modern minimalist touch that is given to the existing cabinet design will be better.

Especially if you pay attention to the lighting under the cabinet. So that it will make your work activities more productive at home.

So that it will make your work activities more productive at home.

Classic Minimalist Use

This one is also a bedroom design idea and there is no support for you to have.

Where there is also the use of monochrome and neutral colors that can be used for the entire wall of the room and also the furniture you have.

If you do want a classic touch then you can use a floor that has a wooden motif with a type of vinyl, and also you are able to give a border texture to each wall you have.

Bedroom that has a feminine design

bedroom flooring ideas

The design idea of this bedroom makes you a Princess King because indeed every week there is still also there all have been arranged so that it looks harmonious and also more detail.

The use of bedroom design is also quite so luxurious and also soft.

Has a perfect elegance because it is the woman who is in white with the use of marble floor becomes the massage. The use of this floor is also very modern in the bedroom design.

Use of bedroom design with Zen-style floors

It is also a way that this dong use calming colors because it is more natural nuance.

Additional than the decoration of this floor also with the existence of large windows that add to the tranquility and is the most important element of the Zen lifestyle.

For those of you who use the idea of the design floor of a heavy bedroom or art style, then you should choose a bed that tends to be rendang.

So that the nuance that is produced in the bedroom will feel more charming.

The floor selection is quite fundamental in terms of the interior of your home, so you do not get Mischosen in the design. The quality of the material you have to look at in such a way. Because this floor will affect the humidity, and also daily.

Of course the bedroom flooring ideas you choose will be 1 part of your home decor so it will be a direct phone with the room where the type of floor is installed. Although the floor is installed at the end of the stage in the construction process of the building.

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